LMS Specialist
Request For Information – EcoExploratorio Resilience Institute
This is a Request for Information (RFI) only and does not constitute a commitment, implied or otherwise, that the EcoExploratorio (EcoEx) will take procurement action in this matter. In addition, EcoEx will not be responsible for any cost incurrred in furnishing this information.
This RFI is being used to gather market research for the EcoExploratorio Resilience Institute of Puerto Rico (ERI) to make decisions regarding development of strategies for placement of an online certification program for the general public. ERI is seeking information from educational institutions, content experts, curriculum development specialists, learning management software (LMS) specialists and LMS software.
ERI will use the results of this RFI to determine interest that may lead to selection of specific organizations or individuals to receive a contract to help develop the online certification platform.
Thank you for your interest. We look forward to receiving your information.
EcoExploratorio: Museo de Ciencias de Puerto Rico
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